Rose City Comic ConOregon Convention Center | Portland, OR |
MileHiConDenver Marriott Tech Center | Denver, CO |
San Diego Comic-Con Special EditionSan Diego Convention Center | San Diego, CA |
Emerald City Comic ConWashington State Convention Center | Seattle, WA |
Every page in Skymall should have garden zombies.
We are back from an amazing and eventful week in Kentucky! James and I visited family and friends, attended the St. Baldrick’s Charity Event, and exhibited at the Lexington Comic & Toy Convention together. In addition to that I did nine presentations at five different schools, and appeared at the Powell County Reading Celebration. And we STILL had time to eat at Waffle House. Livin' like a boss, yo!
There are so many people to thank for making our visit amazing:
Thanks to our friend Bruce for being our airport shuttle guy.
Thanks to my brother Thomas, his wife Elise, and their friends for participating in the St. Baldrick’s event.
Thank you to my mother-in-law Mary Hicks and my parents, Mary and Charles, for tolerating our crazy schedule and providing us a place to sleep where we would not get dismembered by hobos.
Thank you Crystal Neal, Suzy Brown, and all the other wonderful Powell County Schools media specialists for inviting me to give presentations, and the wonderful students and teachers that laughed at all my jokes and asked such great questions.
Extra thanks to Crystal for doing such a great Little Vampire impersonation.
Thanks for the fun lunch, Tara and Carlos!
Thank you Chloe Barrett for drawing me such a cute bat, and thank you Matt Arvin for drawing me such a cute cat! I love you all right back.
Thank you to the media specialists, teachers, teacher’s aides, administrators, parents and students that helped create another incredible Powell County Reading Celebration, and thank you to all the kind folks that visited my table.
Thank you Jerlene for continuing to be such an inspiration.
Thank you to the organizers and staff of the Lexington Comic & Toy Convention, and to everyone that attended.
Hugs and thanks to Brianna Cottrell and her mom for taking care of us in Lexington.
Thank you Brett Gray for the amazing Christopher Lee art!
Thank you John Wilson for the awesome art of your Little Monsters!
Thanks again to my brother, Thomas, for gifting me a photo with Carel Struycken, who played Lurch in the Addams Family movie.